Friday, December 25, 2009

Disney's PhotoPass - Photo Editor

Disney's PhotoPass - Photo Editor: "Loading your photo...."

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Here we go again! Jeezzz, will it ever end? This madness over finding "the shortcut!" The magic pill! It's amazing... I guess new "suckers" are born every day.
Consumers using Hydroxycut products should immediately stop taking the dietary supplements, the Food and Drug Administration warned May 1, 2009, after receiving reports of serious health problems related to the drugs.

The dietary supplements --made by Iovate Health Sciences Inc. of Oakville in Ontario, Canada, and distributed by Iovate Health Sciences USA Inc. of Blasdell, N.Y. -- have been linked to one death and are associated with several serious liver injuries, the FDA said. Iovate has agreed to recall the products from the market.

The FDA has received 23 reports of serious health problems including jaundice, elevated liver enzymes and liver damage requiring liver transplant.

Other health problems reported included seizures, cardiovascular disorders and rhabdomyolysis, a type of muscle damage that can lead to other serious health problems such as kidney failure.

One death due to liver failure has been reported to the agency.

Liver injury was reported by patients taking the doses of Hydroxycut recommended on the bottle. Symptoms of liver injury include jaundice and brown urine, the FDA said. Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, light-colored stools, excessive fatigue, weakness, stomach or abdominal pain, itching and loss of appetite.

“The FDA urges consumers to discontinue use of Hydroxycut products in order to avoid any undue risk," said Linda Katz, interim chief medical officer of the FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition.

Hydroxycut products are dietary supplements that are marketed for weight loss as fat burners, energy enhancers, low-carb diet aids and water loss. The list of products being recalled by Iovate includes:

Hydroxycut Regular Rapid Release Caplets
Hydroxycut Caffeine-Free Rapid Release Caplets
Hydroxycut Hardcore Liquid Caplets
Hydroxycut Max Liquid Caplets
Hydroxycut Regular Drink Packets
Hydroxycut Caffeine-Free Drink Packets
Hydroxycut Hardcore Drink Packets (Ignition Stix)
Hydroxycut Max Drink Packets
Hydroxycut Liquid Shots
Hydroxycut Hardcore RTDs (Ready-to-Drink)
Hydroxycut Max Aqua Shed
Hydroxycut 24
Hydroxycut Carb Control
Hydroxycut Natural

The Health Benefits of Protein and Whey Protein

Protein is an important nutrient needed by everyone on a daily basis. Protein is made up of essential and non-essential amino acids, which are the "building blocks" for healthy bodies. Protein has a number of different roles in the body including the following:

Repair body cells
Build and repair muscles and bones
Provide a source of energy
Control many of the important processes in the body related to metabolism
The body is able to make non-essential amino acids from other amino acids in the body. However, the body is not able to make essential amino acids and the only way to get them is by eating high quality protein foods. Protein sources that contain all of the essential amino acids are called complete proteins.

All Protein foods are not created equal and can vary in a number of ways including the following:

Number and quantity of essential amino acids
Digestion and absorption rates
Fat content
Whey protein is a very high quality complete protein with rich amounts of all the essential amino acids. Whey protein isolate is the purest form of whey protein, which is why it is absorbed so quickly and efficiently into the body.

You are probably asking "What is Whey Protein? Is it just a new fad?" Whey protein is not something new and has been available for hundreds of years. Doctors and nutrionists have singled out whey protein as a super-star ingredient for weight loss, infant nutrition, immune support, and especially in the area of sports nutrition.

Little Miss Muffet ate it. Remember the nursery rhyme - "eating her curds and whey"? Curds and Whey are the two products formed while making cheese from cow's milk. Although we're much more familiar with cheese, whey protein turns out to be a much better protein for you, your body and your health. It's more soluble which means you can absorb more if and it doesn't stick to your arteries and veins and is easy to disgest. That's one of the reasons it's the best type of protein for infants and children.

Healthy diets should regularly include high quality, low fat sources of protein, like whey protein. Calories do count and you want to make sure that you are getting the most benefit from the calories you consume. Compared to other proteins, on a gram-to-gram basis whey protein isolate delivers more essential amino acids to the body but without the fat or cholesterol. Nutrition experts recommend a diet with a variety of protein foods but for optimal results make sure that one of them is whey protein.

Protein needs vary by person depending upon age, weight, sex, activity level and overall health. Athletes and people on healthy lifestyle programs often need more protein than the recommended dietary allowance, or RDA. That's because Whey protein is the richest known source of naturally occurring branched chain amino acids (leucine, isoleucine and valine). The body requires higher amounts of branched chain amino acids during and following exercise as they are absorbed directly by the skeletal muscles versus first being metabolized through the liver, like other amino acids. Low BCAA levels contribute to fatigue and they should be replaced in one-hour or less following exercise or participation in a competitive event. Many athletes consume a whey protein shake or drink both before and immediately after exercise or an event to help repair and rebuild lean muscle tissue.

You'll find that there are two main kinds of whey protein sold today - whey protein concentrate and whey protein isolate. Whey protein isolate is the most pure and concentrated form of whey protein available. It contains 90% or more protein and very little (if any) fat and lactose. Whey protein concentrate has anywhere between 29% and 89% protein depending upon the product. As the protein level in whey protein concentrate decreases the amounts of fat and/or lactose usually increase.

Whey Protein, either in Isolate or Concentrate, is the ideal not only for active individuals, individuals who exercise and professional athletes, but any one and every one. Whey protein is a particularly good source of protein for people with special dietary needs like:
People on a low-carbohydrate diet 'cause whey protein contains very little cholesterol on it's own
Pregnant Women
Vegetarians that include dairy in their diet.
The lactose-intolerant due to the small amount of lactose contained in whey protein isolate (the lactose-intolerant should avoid whey protein conentrate though).
The wheat-intolerant because whey protein contains no gluten.
People with digestion problems because whey protein is so easily digestible that it rarely causes adverse stomach or intestinal reactions.
Adding whey protein to your healthy lifestyle is a great way to jump-start the weight loss phase of your program. Whey protein is a key ingredient in numerous weight loss and meal replacement products and whey protein isolate (with no fat or carbohydrates) is often the preferred choice. Studies have found that individuals who combine diets with leucine rich protein foods, like whey protein, and exercise have more lean muscle tissue and they lose more body fat. As they lose fat their metabolic rate increases and they naturally burn more calories each day. Another way that whey protein helps manage weight is by making you feel "full" after drinking your whey protein shake.

As you can see, whey protein has a lot of benefits for you. We at FantaC Fitness go the extra step and only use the highest quality whey protein in our products. Our whey protein isolate has the highest protein scores available on the market today.

Let us help you reach your goals by making our Whey Protein Powders the cornerstone of your healthy lifestyle. Enjoy the benefits - and the great taste - of our Natural Whey Protein Isolate (available in Vanilla or Chocolate) Call us at 203-240-1964 or order here.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Aahhhhh another day at the beach .... I just cant believe that it is Dec 19th and I spent the day at the beach with my dogs.. I LOVE IT !! So for those that dont know I am new to California.. Been here since March so this will be my FIRST winter with NO snow.. and it is snowing back home in Ct so this just made me feel sooooo good.. SOmetimes I start missing home but then I go to the beach and the missing just goes away LOL Beach day was really good on my legs.. Awesome calf workout :)
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Friday, December 18, 2009

What you need to know about Chromium

Chromium helps insulin metabolize fat, turn protein into muscle and convert sugar into energy. ChromeMate, a unique form of niacin-bound chromium, is designed to optimize energy output. It accomplishes this by increasing the amount of glucose available for energy production nearly twenty-fold. It also is the "master" nutrient for controlling blood sugar, which in turn curbs sugar cravings.

What’s more, a study at Auburn University showed that ChromeMate reduced LDL cholesterol by an average of 14%. In fact, ChromeMate has been awarded a patent for lowering cholesterol. Chromium deficiency is caused by exercise (up to five times the normal rate), and by the consumption of sugars and refined carbohydrates. Since your fat-loss program includes aerobic activity, ChromeMate supplementation is essential in order to recover chromium loss. Also, because it supports the conversion of food to energy and promotes metabolism.

There are two forms of chromium. The inexpensive stuff called picolinate and a high quality niacin-bound form known as polynicotinate. Again, the difference is quality

ChromeMate's patented oxygen-coordinated, chromium-niacin complex is the most potent of all -- over 18 times more potent than any other form of niacin-bound chromium. ChromeMate is absorbed and retained by the body 300% more than picolinate.

To order >>>

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Hey hey hey !!!!! Hows it going people !!???? Is everyone getting stressed out because of the holidays ?? Getting all that last minute shopping in ? Or did you god forbid just START ??!!! aaahhhhhh ARE YOU CRAZY !!! lol
We are not celebrating .. no wait ... we arent exchanging gifts this year :)
We are going to go to Disney Land on Christmas Eve.. Well my husband is fightin it but I will get my way and we will go :) yay!!!
How many of you have been hit with the Holiday parties or people at work bringing in all the goodies they dont want at home?? Are you mindlessly eating all this crap or are you just nibbling?? STOP !!! Dont do it ! Your only gonna be pissed at yourself later when after the holiday you cant button your pants :(
I remember when I worked a regular job and all the customers would bring us candy --- oh man I was the first person ripping it open and eating the candy !! Yea I was the first offender.. Glad I work solo now I dont have that problem and my clients know better than to bring anything like that to me LOL
Well I just want to leave you with some TIPS for avoiding a 5-10lbs weight gain :)

1. Have the right attitude

If you go into Christmas with the idea that you'll just eat everything you possibly can and worry about it in January then you will bitterly regret it when Christmas is over. Decide to enjoy the festive season without going plain silly over all the goodies on offer. Choose the things you particularly like and say no to anything which you're really not bothered about.

2. Eat how much you need

At every meal aim for a comfortable feeling of satisfaction rather than getting to the stage where you need to loosen your waistband. Decide to enjoy your meal AND feel great afterwards. This tip alone will save you hundreds of calories every meal. If you want to try all the courses, have small portions of everything you really want. TALK MORE ~~~ EAT LESS

3. Keep up your exercise

Don't give up your usual exercise routine over the holidays because it will be hard to get back into it later. If you really can't get to the gym, do a few exercises at home or go out walking. It will not just use up some calories, it will keep you in touch with your desire to stay slim and healthy. Also keep as active as possible as you go about your day - don't sit about watching the TV specials, nibbling nuts and chocolate.

4. Put it away

If you have lots of extra treats at home "for guests", get them out when people come and put them away when they go home. Out of sight, out of mind will help a little but if those treats do start calling out to you from the cupboard, put a few on a plate and put the rest away so that you are not constantly nibbling from the packet.

5. Peace and goodwill

Try and keep calm over Christmas. As stress levels rise, so does our tendency to eat for comfort. Just remember that you don't have to make Christmas perfect for everyone else while running yourself into the ground. Do the best you can with the time available and then just decide to enjoy it however much you've done. If others have expectations of how Christmas should be then get them involved in making it so! Have some (non-food) treats up your sleeve to enjoy when it all gets a bit too much. It doesn't cost a lot to tuck away a sachet of perfumed bubble bath, a glossy magazine or a novel you've been dying to read. If all else fails call an old friend for a chat rather than eating the fridge empty.

Friday, December 11, 2009

The whole story on Hamstrings

The hamstrings are a group of three muscles located on the back of the thigh. They originate on the hip and pelvis and insert on the lower leg bones. This means they aid in the function of both the hip and the knee. Good strength and flexibility in these three muscles can increase performance and decrease injury and soreness. Anyone who has experienced a hamstring strain knows the level of frustration the injury can cause. What most people don't know is that weakness or inflexibility in the hamstrings can affect a number different body areas.

What does inflexibility mean?
Healthy muscles in your body have some of the same properties as a rubber band. They contract and relax as needed. When the muscle is tight or inflexible, it acts more like a string. Everyone knows that more stress can be put on a rubber band before it breaks than on a piece of string. The same philosophy is true with muscles. An inflexible muscle will strain more easily because it doesn't have as much elasticity as the flexible muscle.

What about weakness?Injury happens when the body is not able to handle the demands placed upon it. In short, this means if a muscle is weak, it can be injured through repetition or one stressful incident much more easily than if it is well conditioned. For example, if a person has been inactive for a long period of time he or she may feel very sore after a set of lunges. A person who has been training will not be sore after the same set of lunges. Along the same lines, the inactive person is at a greater risk of injury from normal training activities because his or her muscles are not capable of handling the training demands.

Hamstrings and the Lower Back
Poor flexibility in the hamstrings has been identified as a contributor to pain in the lower back. Essentially, inflexibility in the hamstrings puts stress on the hips and pelvis, where they originate. This stress can be great enough to impact the angle of the pelvis and lumbar, or lower, vertebrae. This may create muscle spasms and strain in the low back musculature. Increasing the strength and flexibility of the hamstring and lower back muscles can relieve many cases of lower back pain.

Injury Prevention
The best way to prevent injury is to stretch and strengthen your muscles. Stretching all the muscles of the hips and thighs for 15 to 30 seconds at least once per day is a good start. Stretching should ideally be done after a mild warm-up when the muscles are more elastic. When blood flow increases to the muscle, as it does with exercise, they become more pliable. Flexibility exercises can be done before and after activity, but stretching following activity is generally more productive. Stretching more than once per day is safe and may produce faster results.

Strengthening, on the other hand, should be done every other day. When a muscle is stressed through strength training activities, it sustains tiny micro tears. Strength gains occur during the 24 to 48 hours following strength training when the muscle repairs itself as it responds to the stress.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sexy sexy legs

SEXY LEGS !!!!!! Thats what I'm aiming for *woohoooo My husband always said I got great legs but I want them super MUSCULAR ! So today was my start towards my super muscular legs.. This pic is my legs before my figure competition and as much as I love them !! I always wished they were more muscular. I was my quads POPPIN ..
So today was inclined leg presses, one legged leg presses OOWWWW, stiff leg dead lift, leg extensions ( both legs and single) seated hamstring curl and lying leg curls.. Finished with oblique twists and the ab machine. I wanted to finish with some cardio but honestly I was toast !! Cardio day tomorrow so i'll make up for it :)

Monday, December 7, 2009

HELLO ladies !!!! OMG I cant tell you how much I HATE the weather.. UGH!! rain rain and more flippin rain !!! Now I can see why people wouldnt head to the gym today cause who the hell wants to go out in this shit !! Oh trust me I lingered at home trying to blow it off as much as possible but come around 2 I finally guilted my ass into going LOL and i'm glad I went !!!! I drank my protein before hand -- wasnt the pro at eating today , nothing bad just hardly anything. Yea I know better !! I'm so glad I have my line of supplements because now I have everything right at my fingertips and NO EXCUSES !! Check us out and ask if you need any advice on what to take.. Now i'll have to tell you this is top grade shit -- the best of the best !! Its the only way I live -- AT THE TOP !!

So today I worked Chest,tris, shoulders and calves !! I feel so good !!! The benches were full so I had to use some of the chest machines and I really hate them but I think they wore me out ??? hmmm but as soon as I saw a bench free I ran to it.. I ran like a mad woman as soon as the guy got off think i scared the crap out of him LOL I like my old gym better --- I cant get my mojo going in this one.. May switch and get a free week somewhere and see if I like better..

OK thats all I got -- Bought some chicken at Costco so gonna go figure what I'm having with it ?? hmmm veggies ? veggies ? or veggies? Yep think I'll have some veggies :)

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Pattis Audition ** YAY!!!

Woohooooo I did something I would NEVER do in my life !! I auditioned for a tv show You got the Look !!! Now for those who dont know what it is --- Its a reality show with woman over 35 who live in a house together and compete to become the next model with Wilhemenia Modeling Agency.. Hell we all dreamed of being a model..?? Well I did think about it once or twice since birth but what got me to actually do it was I found the add for the Audition on craigslist and thought well hell why not ??!! I've been trying to change my way of thinking and get out of my comfort zone lately so what other way huh ??!!! LOL Do I think I'm good enough or will win ?? NO but hey who knows right ?? DId I do it for anyone else ? HELL NO ! I dont give two shits what people think I'm working on the "new" me :) This is part of self growth.. So anyways..... it was interesting to see who goes to these things and let me tell you EVERYONE goes !!! Ugly, plain, pretty, hoochies who I thought were a street walker ?? they all go!! It was fun and my daughter went with me !! She is such a great supporter !! I love her she is the best !!! xoxoxoxox

Friday, December 4, 2009

Interesting !!!!

In Northern Greenland, there is an indigenous society known as the Inuits. Among several remarkable things about this society, they continue to consume their natural ancestral diet and are known to have almost no heart disease.

Scientific interest in this observation has identified the fish oil from their ocean-water fish diet as the major factor in the superb Inuit cardiovascular health. They consume up to 60% of their calories in fat, with a major portion of that fat coming from fish oil. The fish oil contains two very important fatty constituents, called fatty acids, which are, eicosapentaenoic acid, EPA for short, and docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA. Both belong to the omega-3 family of fatty acids.

The Benefits of Fish Oils
Adequate levels of EPA and DHA are paramount to maintaining our cardiovascular system in good health. Different scientific studies on the oil of ocean-water fish have demonstrated that EPA and DHA reduce the "bad" cholesterol (the low density lipoprotein cholesterol LDL) and raise the "good" cholesterol (the high density lipoprotein HDL). These fatty acids assist in lowering blood pressure by helping to reduce arterial constriction. They also help lower blood fat, known as triglycerides, which if elevated will present significant risk for heart disease. EPA and DHA significantly reduce the risk of inappropriate blood clotting. Inappropriate blood clotting can also lead to stroke or pulmonary embolism, which can be life threatening like a heart attack.

Benefits Beyond the Heart
The focus on heart disease makes good sense since half of North American deaths are from cardiovascular disorders. Yet, EPA and DHA enhance the health of all other body systems as well. DHA is very important to the brain, retina, testes, and adrenal glands for facilitating optimal functioning. Inadequate DHA in the brain is thought to be an important contributing factor in many of its functional problems, including depression, and more recently, attention deficit disorder (ADD) has been tentatively linked with inadequate brain DHA.

EPA and DHA the Natural Way
Eating fresh ocean fish like salmon, sardines, tuna, herring, etc. at least three times per week will supply EPA and DHA in adequate amounts. However if fish or their oils do not appeal to you, you can turn to flax seed oil, a land-based source of omega-3 oil. Flax seed oil provides linolenic acid, which needs to be converted by your body into EPA and DHA. For many North Americans, the conversion is difficult because of dietary habits.

Fish oil or flaxseed oil will contribute to blood thinning, and this is desirable. However, if you are on blood thinning medication or using ASA frequently, check with your physician first. These oils are contra-indicated in hemophiliacs and those who have a tendency to hemorrhage.

A Recommended Amount
The recommended amount is 3 capsules of one gram each of the fish oil per day or as directed by a physician. If you're using flaxseed oil, the recommended amount is 9 grams per day with meals. Oils removed from their natural setting and processed are subject to oxidation. It is a good practice to complement your use of supplemental oils with vitamin E, which is a potent antioxidant, able to reverse oxidation of consumed oils and prevent oxidation inside the body. The recommended daily dosage is 400I.U. of natural vitamin E. If you are taking blood thinning medication speak to your physician before using vitamin E.


Tuesday, December 1, 2009 Get ready for a healthy 2010 !!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Help a sista out

I promised a new friend I would post her website >>> May want to check it out for some christmas gift ideas :) THANKS !!!
First off I will say I had an awesome workout !! I always do *woop woop*

Shoulder press

bb upright row

reverse pec dec

cable curls

concentration curls

tricep kickback

bb tricep overhead press OOOWWWW

tricep pressdowns

Felt awesome then I got my period when I got home and now my back is KILLING me !!! My belly is cramping !!! *moan* ooohhhh!!! WHY??? * moan * UGH!! ARG!!! DAMN !!

Have to finish up my clients then HOME !! TO BED !!! *** MY son is making chili for dinner LUV HIM !!

*smooches* :)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

The body AWAKES !!!

aaaahhhhhh I"M ALIVE !!!!!!! woop woop

I havent worked out in over a week due to my trip back home to see my family AND GRANDSON!!! Did I tell you about my grandson ?? New 1 month old grandson LOVE HIM!! OK enough of that !!

TIME TO GET SERIOUS !!!! Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.. I know it was a good excuise for you to eat like shit !!! Carb overloads and a shit load of pies !! IF you have any left just toss it in the garbage before you start bitching next week that youve gained weight !! I say that with LOVE :)

I went to the gym this morning LA FITNESS -- very quiet there today -- I LIKE THAT !! Today was the wake my body up phase LOL Did 30 minutes of walking/running intervals on the treadmil.. I was running at 6.0 LOL that is huge for me I am not a runner -- ask my husband -- he says I run like Johnny Damon.. Whatever !! I ran and it felt damn good !! Then I got on the rowing machine for another 20 minutes .. aahhh worked out all the cricks in my body !! Now TOMORROW I can kick ASS !! My own of course :) Getting up early, posting on all my sites then I am out the door..

I will be having some exciting news to tell this week.. Have something awesome in the works that I cant wait to share :) ~~ haha its killin ya huh? want to know the secret ?? ummmmm NOPE !! you'll have to wait :)

to be continued ........................

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Actaully dared to go into some stores... wasnt so bad LOL

Friday, November 27, 2009

Holiday schmoliday

I dont mean to be the holiday party pooper but UGH!!! I have no use for them these days... I think after all these years my grinch of a husband has rubbed off on me !! DAMN !! But hey we cooked our Turkey and made our carbs and all sat at one table to eat them then went on our merry way LOL It was very nice cause really you dont see us all in the hosue at one time together so I will cherish it. Took a pic as a reminder that we CAN all get together LOL

Now I have to get thru christmas.. Now that the kids are older ( youngest is 19) and the gig is up on the whole Santa thing its harder and harder to try to figure out how to make Christmas special ??? ANY ideas on what to do when your kids are older ??? I"M NOT buying them shit for the sake of buying them stuff so this year we are spending the day at Disney Land. I'm sure we are going to have a blast so I really look foward to it. Plus Glenn ( husband) has NEVER gone to Disney before *gasp*

DId my booth at the Market today -- signed up one person for the Juice Plus and sold some cassettes of the Enlyten but NO interest in training.. *sigh* ALOT of mexicans today and culturally they do NOT work out.. They are a fat unhealthy mexican bunch here and I dont say that in a mean way so if your mexican DO NOT send me hate mail LOL I need to have a bilingual partner so I can break thru the bearier..

OK i have the tv to myself so I am going to go watch my Sons of Anarchy from Tuesday :) If youve never watched that show check it out !! Hard core so becareful NO KIDS!!

Hope all you nuts that went shopping today had a great time :)

GYM TOMORROW !!!! gonna kill myself int he gym this week !!! Should have the energy with all the carbs i've eaten LOL

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Dear Friends of FantaC Fitness,

Have a great Thanksgiving and don't forget, although, do enjoy the food, keep in mind Thanksgiving is not just about the food. ( DONT STUFF YOUR FACE ) :)

Heres some quick advice on Thanksgiving

When you go up to get your food at Thanksgiving dinner, put on your plate half of the food that you think you can eat. You can always get up and get more, but if you have put too much food on your plate, most likely you will end up eating it all, although you were full. Talk more ~~ eat less :)

REMEMBER: Bikini season is ALWAYS around the corner :)


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Ready to bust out the muscle :)

HELLO !!!!!
man I feel like i've been gone for sooo long --- We just got back from our trip back home to Connecticut.. We went to go visit our NEW grandson Austin !! LOVE HIM !! He slept most of the time so he was easy -- can't wait till he is smiling and crawling !!! oh gosh darnit I love him !! We have another grandson being born January 20 so we are busy grandparents :)

OK moving on >>>>>>>>>>>>> I took all last week off from the gym so tomorrow starts my new kick ass holiday workouts !!! My body is nice and relaxed and ready to roll .. Starting a new 4 week program where I am going to just blow out some serious cardio, heavy weight lifting and serious eating.. FULL FORCE !! NO EXCUSES !! I'm soo ready to get my body in serious shape. Obstacle will be it is during the holiday season but hey my kids are older and I am not really "doing" the holidays ???? yea i say THAT every year !! I've usually always worked out during the holiday season but this time I will be very focused and will be pushing myself to the breaking point :)

Going to retake my measurements tomorow.. 5 days earlier than expected but I want to get it out of the way.. Hopefully I have seen SOME kind of changes within this last month !! I feel like I have so thats a step in the right direction..

Sent some tshirts in to have more shirts made for FantaC Fitness so if anyone wants to order one just let me know :) Also getting geared up for the new year and will be coming out with some serious programs !!! SO message me right away cause I get busy starting the new year :)

Thats all folks ~~ I'll be back tomorrow with my measurements and workout -- till then keep your hand out of the cookie jar :)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Getting READY !!

HELLO !!!! I have been MIA for a few days -- sorry to those who run to my blog daily HAHA yea IF !! I've had LOTS of clients and have been running alot of vendor booths over the weekend... FUN FUN FUN !!!

Soooooo i'm a slug today :) and proud of it LOL I have been so incredibly busy that today is actually a down time day !! I had a client at 6:30 am and I didnt even take a shower OR put on my makeup to go there LOL thats a huge risk for me LOL i NEVER go out without makeup and that is to just protect the public :)

I am leaving to go to CT on thursday early morning so if you dont hear from me that is why :) ~~ Going to visit our grandbaby !! YAY!

Have to finish getting organized today for my trip .. Its half business ( had to try and write this trip off LOL ) I am distributors for both Juice Plus
( and Enlyten ( and there are some peope interested back home on becoming distributors for these companies so I have to get together some things !! I'll pack at the last minute *wink*

NO gym today and to be honest I probably should just commit to taking this week off since I know I may not get there and my mind is not in the game at all for workouts .. This way I will not feel guilty when I dont get there.. In the meantime I WILL commit to reining in the eats so all will not be lost !! good thinkin Patti :)

OK i'm off to organize some things.. mainly my desk -- i should take a pic of it YIKES !!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Kids are feeding me !!

OH HELL YEA !!! I know I did my job right .... My son made banana bread and my daughter is making a chicken and kidney bean salad for dinner. and rolls too but I dont eat bread so thats for them !! I LOVE when they make dinner..
So my ass hurts today :)
one legged leg presses definetly work so i'll be putting them into my routine a bit more. Got to the gym fairly early today.. Lots of "fake" ladies at the gym this morning.. Definetly California woman !! Fake boobs, nice tan, beautiful hair.. Felt a bit intimidating BUT I had better muscle tone then them !! nanananananananaa !!
I worked Delts, back & a little bt of Bi's ..
Shoulder press~~ Pullups ~ upright rows ~~ str8 arm pulldown ~~ bent over row ~~ seated cable row ~~ BB curl ~~ concentration curl ~~~
I had more on my list to do but dammit I am still not up to par yet and am just wiped OUT !!!
I'm going to take my measurements tomorrow morning.. I feel like i've had some changes and I just want to take a peek !! I can feel my shoulders rounding out and my friend said my biceps are looking good !! oh yea !!
Special shout out to my friend T ~~ she is doing a photo shoot next week and is busting her ass to look her best ~~ she doesnt have to bust too much cause she looks wonderful.. She was with me every step of the way for my competition last year and I like to think I am cheering her on enough to pay her back !!
GO T !!!

Another special shout out to my step son and his wife on Veterans Day ~~ My son Randy is Army retired and his wife Steph who is pregnant is on active duty !! Thank you for your bravery ~~ I LOVE you and am proud of both of you {{{ BIG HUG }}}

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Nice ASS !!

There are no shortcuts to the road to amazing glutes.
Here's some exercises that you can do to start your road to a gorgeous assemus maximus.

Squats have been known to help tone the buttocks as well as strengthen the muscles. Using this exercise can increase the strength of your legs and your thighs. Hip flexibility will also increase as well as your balance. If done properly, you can instantly feel your butt burn with every motion. However done incorrectly, you'll simply be targeting other areas of your body.

Step ups are also great toning and shaping exercises for your hiney. This exercise requires you to mimic climbing motion. This is why there are so many climbing machines out in the market. Your stairs can be more than adequate for this exercise to help you get that firm butt.

Lunges are also a favorite as it works several muscle groups at the same time. Repeating every motion properly is needed so you can achieve a leaner butt in no time.

These three exercises are great since they require no additional equipment. It is important that you do it using the right form and technique. This is where an exercise buddy comes in handy. If you prefer to exercise alone, doing the reps in front of the mirror will help you. Another important note to these exercises is to do it regularly but allow your body to rest in between.

Tabata Style

AAHHHHHH The journey continues >>>>>>>> Got up extra early today to meet with a client at 6:30am -- I love getting up early :) --- finished with her and came home and ate and off to the gym to do MY workout !!! I started with 5 miles on the r-bike to get "warmed up" .. I was actually watching the view but we'll call it a warm up ;)
I did my workout Tabata style --- The Tabata protocol is a high-intensity training regimen. A Tabata workout (also called a Tabata sequence) is an interval training cycle of 20 seconds of maximum intensity exercise, followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated without pause 8 times for a total of four minutes. So that all consisted of leg presses, leg extensions, squats, hamstring curl ect..... I've just started doing this Tabata style and I tell ya I LOVE it !! We'll see how my legs are tomorrow but I can tell you I may be complaining :)
I'm not 100% on things and I still feel the junk around my trunk so I have GOT to pick it up !!! CARDIO tomorrow !!
I'm still feeling tired due to my blood loss with my Colitis but good day today my external blood loss was at a minimum.. Doubling up on my Juice Plus+ so my intestines will heal faster. 9 days till I go back to CT to visit and I dont want to be dealing with health crap. and Lord knows I dont need to be on the plane having bathroom issues either.. *sigh*
OK off to get my rest and watch some Biggest Loser.
IF anyone is reading this - and I think some people are -- LEAVE ME A MESSAGE/COMMENT
Just say HI :)
Till tomorrow peeps.. DOnt let shit drag you down !! Take care of YOURSELF first !!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Excuses vs Obstacles ????

Give me a *woop wooop *** OK so for starters I DID NOT do the Burpee workout !! I did 5 and my body just couldnt do it... I've been really beat up with my Colitis and all that jumping was making me real light headed.. NOT an EXCUSE just an OBSTACLE !! I've been losing lots of blood these last 2 weeks so I have to go easy.. BUT I did get to the gym and do a chest/tricep workout !!! Hell I'm on fire ! I have got to get it done !! I could hardly lift the DB's I'm sooo weak so this week I will just use machines so I have the stability and wont drop a weight on my head lol Came home and took a nap and did some computer work. Had some Iron Soup for lunch ~~ I'll have to post that recipe cause it is really yummy !! Lots of beans, spinach and chicken.. Of course I have the farts now *wink*
~~ I had alot of thoughts today on excuses versus obstacles .. I hear so many excuses that woman make it drives me crazy. I think alot of the woman I hear making tons of excuses are just not ready to take the giant leap it takes to actually change your life. And ya know I guess thats ok ??? Or not ?? I know we all get busy with the kids,husband, animals, work ect .... Getting to a gym and stealing that hour out of your life MAY just be difficult. I get that ! Hey my kids were young and I shuffled them all over the place also.. I also dragged them to the gym and stuck them in the day care but hey thats just me.. When I did that I was vain ( I still am ) I wanted to look awesome so I did what I needed to do.. Of course if i was heavy and unhealthy I would definetly MAKE the time but thats just me.. We all have obstacles in life that are just unavoidable just PLEASE take care of yourselves!!
Speaking of which I am going to head off to get ready for bed and get my rest.. Early client tomorrow :)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

HOLLA !!! Patti's BACK !!!

WWooohooooo * BIG sigh* That was one helluva week :) No sweat though thats what happens in a womans life.. Shit knocks ya down and ya got to get back up and get back at it !!!! Thats what I did today -- GOT BACK UP :)
Got up early 5am to go see a client at 6:30 to discuss training. She wants me to train her :) ~~ Hell yea GO PATTI woop woop -- So i'll be training her 3 times a week @ 6:30 am which is great for me because I LOVE to get up early and get out and start my day.. Although of course its now only 6:30pm and i've been ready for bed since 5 !! When this time changes it kills me because darkness means bedtime to me LOL So anyways after my client meetup I shot over to my bootcamp -- 2 girls showed today -- my beginner diehards -- i love them !! They mean business and WANT changes.. LOVE to work with woman like that !! Hammered them for an hour then went home to have some breakfast for me :) -- bullshit on the evil computer than off to the gym for ME TIME !!! Today was back day.. Did a shitload of pullups and I'm feelin it now -- all kinds of rows.. one arm, two arm, high row, low row, swing low sweet chariot LOL remember that song LOL I'm watching The Lawrence Welk show right now hahahaha I'm such a 70's girl.. This show was great !!! Ok so back to my workout !! I get side tracked --- my mind is always wondering.. Got my shoulders done and also threw in some biceps -- was beat by the time the biceps came along so i only did a couple.. Just enough to show (mentally) the young guys next to me that I can lift more than them :) BOOYA !!
I posted the BURPEE workout I want EVERYONE to do tomorrow :) ~~ I'm doing it first thing in the morning. I'll time it to see how long it takes.. I'm picturing my dogs leaping on me while I do it so I may have to put them in the pen.. Pup is in the humping stage so we dont want any funny business while i'm down ~~~ hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Oh Patti you dirty girl !!
Ok i'm off to finish watching Lawrence and throw some wrinkle cream on to preserve my over 40 face :)
HUGS to ya !! Kick ass and be HEALTHY !!!

The Power of a BURPEE

Mondays workout


From a standing position squat down, drop your hands to the ground and jump your feet back to assume a push-up position. Do a push-up. Jump your legs forward to between your hands then jump up into the air bringing your knees as high as you can and your hands into the air over your head. Repeat 20 times. . Catch your breath before going into another set. This time completing 19 burpees. Catch your breath. Now do 18 burpees. Repeat until you have done all descending sets.This is a full body workout and covers your bases for most muscle groups. In fact, you could almost whip your body into shape by mastering this workout alone ~~

WHO'S WITH ME ????? ;)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Live from Huntington Beach

Beach Day !!!

I'M BACK !!!!!!! * BIG sigh* After a box of tampons & a tub of mint ice cream I am geared up towards the coming week !!! This was a tough period -- but we dont need to get into that AGAIN !! Got up early today and went to Huntington Beach with the dogs.. It's the first time we went so we were a little nervous but the dogs were awesome and had sooooo much fun.. Pup is right now passed out under my desk YAY!!
I got the chance to really do some nice walking on the beach -- good workout walking barefoot in tons of sand :) The beach is about 45 min from our house so its something we can do often.. LOVE IT !!!
I keep going back and forth in my mind on if we should stay here in Cali or go back home to Ct ??? I have to remember the reason why i wanted to come to Cali was to HAVE A LIFE.. In CT we would be in the house from October to April because of the damn cold @!!! I hate it.. But now today going to the beach on what Nov 7th... aaahhhh gotta love it :)
Tomorow I have to go train someone at their house @ 6:30 am and then I have Bootcamp session at 8am.. THEN I am off to the gym myself to start my week of kick ass workouts !!! Heavy lifting, supersets, dropsets you name it IT is getting done !! Serious shit this week.. I have a whole week to catch up on and my body is ready AND pumped !!! Hormones are very ready for this ..
So there for I should have a serious night of good sleep so i'm going to go have my nightly tea and start hunkering down !!
Made a video at beach today.. thought i'd share :)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Transforming into a monster !!

Yep thats the only kinda transformation I'm doing today ~~~ ROAR !!!! Patti scary monster !! Yep it's period time !! I should have known it was coming because my daughter Ashley has hers --- why do woman who live together get on the same cycle ?? I'l have to research that !! Like we really need two woman in excruciating pain bitchy as ever fighting over the last container of ice cream ?? Really who needs this SHIT !! I'll tell ya I went on birth control a few years ago cause my periods were getting heavy and I was having cramps like a 16yr old.. I told the Dr why do I need this shit give me something to STOP it !! So she put me on the pill LOL She might have been scared of me I was on the rag that day !! So on the pill I was for 2 1/2 yrs HELL YEA !! not a drop of blood, not a single cramp and NO mood swings and Glenn got to get laid anytime during the month * wink* well *cough cough* not anytime -- who's kidding who LOL Well I recently went off due to insurance bullshit and not wanting to pay the $60 a month for the pill... I'm rethinking that NOW as I sit here in pain ! *sigh* So some people may think this is a good excuse to NOT workout !! Well hell yea its the perfect excuse ~ This is where I talk about having some kind of balance in your life.. I work out all the time -- well I am now! So when I get to a point like this I can slack off for three days .. I know I know the "experts" will tell you this is THE perfect time for working out ! It really is.. Hormones are raging and you have more strength blah blah blah shut the fuck up.. I'm in pain !! :)
So my thinking is while I'm not working out I better be making strides in some area of my life... So yesterday I gained 2 training clients :) YAY!! Today I swept the floor LOL hey the cleaning lady is on a every other week schedule I cant have the dog hair floating around for two weeks
So tonight I am making turkey tacos -- my way of period cheating without really cheating.. For me it will really be a turkey taco salad which I get sooo addicted to. Taco Bell be gone my way is SOOOOOO much better YUM!! Keep it healthy if your not working out !! I'm not throwing ALL my hard work out the flipping window !!

OK ladies i'm gonna go lay on the couch and moan and for all of you that work out during your periods (((( BIG HUG ))))) I'm proud of ya MUAH !!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

In the house

I got a new camcorder today and of course had to play with it.. Took me all flippin day to figure it out and download to youtube BUT I finally did it and have the hang of it for next time... SO I figured I would share :) Its nothing crazy just an insight to my house LOL dont mind the clutter ~~ I like to call it "normal livin"
Keep checkin back as I will be posting fun workouts :)

hmm well thats the link --- now its gonna take me another day to figure out how to add it to my post *sigh*

Gettin it all done early !!

** wohooo GO PATTI !!! Got up this morning -- very early I may say !! This time change is getting me up early which I actually like. I've always been an early riser.. Limited my time on the computer this morning.. I checked emails and facebook and i was GONE !!! The computer is having a habit of controlling me LOL I know its happening to you to cause I see what everyone is doing on facebook... mafia wars, farmtown, sparkle.. UGH what crap !!! I cant do all that mind game bullshit -- and If your spending your time with that and your health is shit i think you should really reconsider.. You aint getting any younger sweetie LOL
OK so gym time :) First off my breakfast was yogurt with oatmeal in it.. I like my yogurt kind of room temp so I take it out when I wake up put it in a mug and put my natural oatmeal in it.. wait till it cools off LOL then by that time the oats are softer and YUM!! Gulped down a protein shake with that.. NO eggs today -- other than the fact that we had NONE I also noticed that alot of eggs tend to bloat me -- Yes I did an experiment with that... So I limit how many I eat now... :)
OK so back to the gym -- warmed up with 10 minutes of rowing.. I love to row but put me on the open waters and i'm good for HOURS.. put me on a machine and i just look around and get bored quikly !! Worked back, shoulders and biceps
1 arm DB row 35#'s ~~ pulldowns 60# pulldown and HOLD!! --- seated cable rows 60# with HOLDS -- Overhead cable shoulder raises 15# kept it light due to rotary issue ~ front and side raises.. OH MAN those shoulders were poppin !! pics above.. hey they popped alot better at the gym that pic was 1 1/2 hrs later lol
finished with 4 sets of cable curls at 30# SLOW !!! also did the oblique twisty machine ??? i dont know the correct name but damn I love that machine :) Its my new toy since we didnt have that back home.. YAY! Lunch is stuffed peppers that we had last night and string beans and sw potato baby food LOL yes its cheaper than the sweet potato and i eat alot of them -- dont judge me LOL
So thats my day so far and its only noon -- I feel like I did a whole days worth already -- thats what happens when you get up early...
OK peeps BE HEALTHY !!!!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

MONDAY !!!!!! I woke up with the mentality that Monday is a fresh start.. You know everyone is always saying "monday i will start" Yea well I've laready "started" but I felt a certain kind of refreshening this morning.. hmm I think its cause we changed the clocks.. I dont know but what ever it was made me have a kick ass time at the gym :)
Worked well since today was leg day !! Yep the dreaded leg day ... Is there anyone out there that enjoys working legs ?? I only enjoy leg day when the workout is OVER lol ----
started with 15 min on ellipticle and ended with 4 miles on r-bike
Leg press 140# 4 sets x 15 reps
machine squats 50# plus wieght of that damn machine 5 x 15
hamstring curls on machine single leg -- 30# 5 sets x 15 reps
Leg extension single legs 30# SLOW lifting 5 sets x 15 reps
Shit load of abs !! This was my light leg day -- my next day is thursday and there is alot of supersets with that AAAHHHHHH
I had alot of interest in the juice plus and the training today so I am just waiting for it to all come together.. *sigh* it all takes time.
Hope everyone had a good Monday -- I'm off to finish watching the Yankeeeess !!!
ps THATS MY SON IN THE PIC --- he cooked dinner tonight :)

Friday, October 30, 2009

Hello Ladies !!!!
Today is a lesson learned in Nutrition ... YOU NEED TO EAT !!!! I woke up this morning at 6:00 to get ready for the farmers market... I DID NOT plan my meals today .. I dont know what I was thinking. Did i think food was going to just show up ??? So at 7am I had a granola bar -- yea I was smart enough to take that. I stayed at the farmers market til noon then had to meet a potential client at 12:30 ( that I signed on to train) Ran to store to get hubby rolls since he was grilling sausages. We bought them the other day and they HAD to be cooked today. So I ate a grinder when I got home and had a small candy after.. Well let me tell ya how I feel with all this wonderful eating >>> EXHAUSTED !!! My eyes are almost closing.. I have hypoglycemia and I can feel my blood sugar level !!!! No wonder woman want a nap at about this time... It was about 2ish when I really started to feel like crap !!! I took some Juice Plus gummies a little while ago to get something in me now I'm going to go get some food together because we have another vendor booth tonight at an elementary school.. So moral of the story is if your feeling like SHIT you might as well take a look at what youve eaten that day ????????

Thursday, October 29, 2009

OH HELL YEA !!! WOrkout is done !!! Finally got there at 10:30 -- totally goofed off this morning, have to manage my mornings a bit better. But hey I got there and thats all that matters.. Worked chest -- incline DB presses, Flat bench DB presses, Pec Dec -- really got a good stretch in!! I dont know whats going on with this shoulder but i'm convinced I have some kind of tear in my rotary cuff and I think it stems back when I was working at the gym we owned back home and thats going back a while.. But I push through the pain but keep it in mind also.. HAVE GOT to listen to your body !! Right now I feel like I can push the button a bit with it so we will see what happens !!!

PATTI's PET PEEVE !!! I love facebook really I do -- maybe cause i'm kinda nosy LOL I get to see whats going on in peoples lives and ya know I like that !! I dont know it might be cause my mission is to change womans lives.. I feel like I am on my own womans movement which leads to me to my PET PEAVE :) STOP getting sick !!! I dont know but in the last month all I hear about is -- I'm tired, my back hurts, i have a sinus infection, I have cramps, I'm still sleepy even though i slept 10hrs last night UGH AARGGGGG !!! Come on ladies for real.. Now I dont know maybe I take my good health for granted but then again I do take care of my damn self !!

I'm not saying you have to get in the gym like I do and bust your asses or eat as perfect as I do LOL ok I dont eat that perfect hahahah But oh man please go back and listen to yourselves.. PLEASE get healthy... eat correctly -- GET MOVING !! Do something !! We as woman take care of soooo many people.. We have our own family, husbands, kids and animals and now alot of people are taking care of thier parents.. Well shit woman we cant do that if we are not healthy ourselves and they cant do it themselves thats why its our damn JOB !!! Now this may sound mean but I want you to look at your family --- is your husband carrying a gut ? are your kids a bit chubby or down right fat? are they sick more than we like ?? Is your DOG a bit heavy ??? Well who's takin care of them ??? hmmmmm

OK i may regret writing that and please dont slam me with hate mail just take a look at the big picture ... ANd before you ask.. Yes my kids are thin and healthy and NEVER sick and my husband does have a tiny gut but that is cause he hords snacks in the garage LOL

Luv YA all I truly do ---- hugs to a healthier lifestyle !!!! We can do it !!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

OK confession !!! I did NOT go to the gym today :( yea I know I suck !! But hey it was business and a little bit of screwing around on the computer ~~ Damn facebook !! But hey a good friend from back in nY found us and requested our friendship and I was sooo excited about that !! Its a couple who me and glenn just love so much -- they are a blast! But life gets in the way and you dont see them often and now that we're all the way over here in CA we'll never see them :(

Thank God for FACEBOOK :)

So this morning I was busy with my Juice Plus+ business.. I'm so excited to be putting in soo many orders these last couple days. Fruits/veggies in a capsule.. You cant go wrong -- hey I know I dont eat all my fruits and veggies , hell i havent had any yet today except for my juice plus capsules !! Thats pretty much why I went on them in the first place LOL

Check out my site if your interested :)

So I have a busy day today --- I have new clients today at 1:00 and then my softballs girls at 3:00 and then finally the halloween party for our networking group.. I'm going as a YANKEE LOL they dont care for the yankees here :)

Ok I'm out !!!! MOVE your asses people your not getting any healthier sitting at the computer

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Diary continues.....

Dear Diary

hahahahahaha yea thats what this feels like :) I forgot where I left off but yesterday after the devestation of taking measurements and pics I went to the gym and kicked ASS !!!! Worked legs and ended doing 10 miles on the bike... I love bike riding !! Today I took the dreaded Back picture **BLAH ! I cropped it to show the shit hanging over my bathing suit bottoms... I dont know where that came from ! At least the camera didnt break :) I have to say I love that bathing suit -- weird design and i'm not usually a "green" girl but it has a more sporty california look and hey since i'm here I want to fit in :) LOL I fit into it last year quite perfectly I must say so thats my plan to get into for next summer !! Soooo off to the gym very early this morning --well ok not that early it was 9:30 LOL but i went and did back, shoulders, and biceps.. SHAZAM !! my biceps were POPPIN !!! I ended with bikin 5 miles -- took 19 min.. granny ride -- tomorrow i will pick it up a bit !! I love workin all body parts except for legs !! aww poor legs why do people hate working them so much ? and why does it hurt sooo much afterwards I mean hell we carry our fat asses around on them everyday ??????????????

OK diary I'm heading out -- got to get my wrinkle cream in action and head off to sleep :) yea so ok its only 7:30 I have no life ok I go to bed early LOL :)
to be continued .........

Monday, October 26, 2009

Pics & Measurements * oh my**

OH GOD I want to hurl !!! So yea I took my pics and my measurements... I have to tell you I took front and side view and no fuckin lie when I went to take the rear view my camera broke LOL THATS got to tell you something... My face just dropped !! I was settin the timer, running thru the damn dogs to get to my spot before the camera went off and on the last final rear view pic NOTHING !! WHAT >??^%&&** eh screw it I'll do that next time right ? Turns out the battery went :) ~~ What a relief that would have thrown me into a bowl of ice cream for sure !!

So I gave up anyway so tomorrow I will take that rear view pic and weigh myself.. I already ate and I like to do it right on waking up :) hey works for me all right ?! So let me just say the pics I took are all ME -- no sucking in or standing up straight to lose that 5lbs :) -- I never walk around standing straight so I didnt want to do it in the pic -- sure it wouldve "looked" better but its not real and thats what this is all about !!! BLAH !!! barf **

OK on to measurements *** drum roll *****

waist ---- 32 inches

hips --- 38 in

thigh 6in above knee -- 17 in 12' above knee -- 21 1/2 ** hear Patti scream**

Shoulders ---- 40'

Chest (with bra) 34' * trust me I dont even want to measure without bra -- hell i dont even like to see me without bra !! Reason #1 why I dont like to be on top during sex -- honestly have you ever looked down at yourself while on top ** another scream ***

Biceps --- 12'

Ok whew i got it done -- thats out of the way and now I can just start fixing this !!

Now some people have said to me you look good.. well hey thanks but FOR ME i dont look good.. I have a vision of myself and it is FIT and MUSCULAR and HEALTHY and that is what I am aiming for .. My body fat -- which I will humiliate myself and ask someone to take at the gym today is HIGH ... always has been.. Even when I competed my body fat was high >>>>?? I'll eventually figure that out!

So my plan this morning was to get to the gym first thing but honestly the computer got the best of me !!! Damn this square box on my desk... Facebook gets me everytime -- 2 email accounts takes time :) I should downsize but hey I like my computer time.. Any way I have to go see about a new client this morning.. Woman wants me to train her and her niece at their house and I have to meet them at 11:00 and truthfully I didnt want to rush my workout :)

Thats it from me -- Make it real people !!!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Keepin It REAL

Thats right my first mission is to KEEP IT REAL!! That means being honest to myself as I go through my fitness jouney. Sometimes I will sit back and say well gosh WHY arent I losing the weight? So n SO looks better than me! If I didnt work I would look like her too LOL Well TRUTH be told I dont lose the weight I want because I am a sugar fein !! I LOVE CANDY ! Give me some skittles and I will do anything for you :) no really I would HAHAHA Umm yea she looks better than you because her ass is in the gym ALL the time and she doesnt use the bullshit excuses I do :) example -- I have a new puppy and need to stay home with him :) thats a good one huh? Yea throwing that pup in the pen tomorrow !! AND the best one is I DONT WORK !! Well I do BUT not alot so my ass should be in the damn gym !!! SOMEBODY SLAP ME !!!

SO lets catch up shall we .... :) I'm 42, married and have 2 kids ( well 5 really but 2 came out of my womb) 19-26 AND I am a grandma *woohooooo I live in SOuthern California -- well I just got here in March and oh man is it flippen beautiful !!!!! For the last 20 yrs I worked in drycleaning -- I lost my job last November 08 ( we wont go there!) and I went through alot of sole searching you might say.. Last year I also trained for my first figure competition AND won 3rd HELL YEA !!! SO yea um Nov I won my comp and lost my job can you say high and low !!!

After that happened I did NOTHING !!! No working out -- I was honestly sooo burned out from training I didnt care if I EVER worked out again.. Then we decided to move ??? Mid life crises? I dont know ??? SO with all that life changing stuff I stopped taking care of myself !! Well ... my loving husband Glenn, as much as I would love to kill him, I like to say that so I will NEVER kill him because I put that out there so much LOL well anyways he said I'm getting fat or I'm fat somethin beautiful like that !! Hey you cant hate the man for being honest!! So I took a pic ... hmmmm.. yea umm not what I looked like year ago !! SHIT !! ALL that hard work for comp and I threw it ALL away !!! Asshole !! Hey but my "excuse" is my life changed dramatically :)

Soooooooo... career wise I have decided to solely dedicate my life to health and fitness !! Thats it i'm NOT doing anything else. So I opened up FantaC Fitness Personal Training in Riverside, CA. *whew* ( YES i'm a personal trainer LOL) I have been getting clients slowly but I know that it is gonna turn around soon.. My name will get out there !! My goal is to be the TOP training professional around. * clear throat cough cough* Better get my ass in friggen shape huh !!!! I know your gettin tired of reading I'm trying to wrap this up !!! I'm very good about doing what I need to do when people know I'm doing it -- when I was going to do the Comp I told everyone I knew so I wouldnt back out :) good plan huh??? It worked -- that and glenn said I would never do it !! DAMN HIM !!!

Soooo hahahahaha I came up with this blog :) Hey if I have people reading this everyday ( yea I expect a following lol ) then I have to TRANSFORM !!! SO thats it..........

PATTI'S TRANSFORMATION !!! It all starts NOW !! Well tomorrow :)

to be continued.....