Friday, October 30, 2009
Hello Ladies !!!!
Today is a lesson learned in Nutrition ... YOU NEED TO EAT !!!! I woke up this morning at 6:00 to get ready for the farmers market... I DID NOT plan my meals today .. I dont know what I was thinking. Did i think food was going to just show up ??? So at 7am I had a granola bar -- yea I was smart enough to take that. I stayed at the farmers market til noon then had to meet a potential client at 12:30 ( that I signed on to train) Ran to store to get hubby rolls since he was grilling sausages. We bought them the other day and they HAD to be cooked today. So I ate a grinder when I got home and had a small candy after.. Well let me tell ya how I feel with all this wonderful eating >>> EXHAUSTED !!! My eyes are almost closing.. I have hypoglycemia and I can feel my blood sugar level !!!! No wonder woman want a nap at about this time... It was about 2ish when I really started to feel like crap !!! I took some Juice Plus gummies a little while ago to get something in me now I'm going to go get some food together because we have another vendor booth tonight at an elementary school.. So moral of the story is if your feeling like SHIT you might as well take a look at what youve eaten that day ????????
Thursday, October 29, 2009
OH HELL YEA !!! WOrkout is done !!! Finally got there at 10:30 -- totally goofed off this morning, have to manage my mornings a bit better. But hey I got there and thats all that matters.. Worked chest -- incline DB presses, Flat bench DB presses, Pec Dec -- really got a good stretch in!! I dont know whats going on with this shoulder but i'm convinced I have some kind of tear in my rotary cuff and I think it stems back when I was working at the gym we owned back home and thats going back a while.. But I push through the pain but keep it in mind also.. HAVE GOT to listen to your body !! Right now I feel like I can push the button a bit with it so we will see what happens !!!
PATTI's PET PEEVE !!! I love facebook really I do -- maybe cause i'm kinda nosy LOL I get to see whats going on in peoples lives and ya know I like that !! I dont know it might be cause my mission is to change womans lives.. I feel like I am on my own womans movement which leads to me to my PET PEAVE :) STOP getting sick !!! I dont know but in the last month all I hear about is -- I'm tired, my back hurts, i have a sinus infection, I have cramps, I'm still sleepy even though i slept 10hrs last night UGH AARGGGGG !!! Come on ladies for real.. Now I dont know maybe I take my good health for granted but then again I do take care of my damn self !!
I'm not saying you have to get in the gym like I do and bust your asses or eat as perfect as I do LOL ok I dont eat that perfect hahahah But oh man please go back and listen to yourselves.. PLEASE get healthy... eat correctly -- GET MOVING !! Do something !! We as woman take care of soooo many people.. We have our own family, husbands, kids and animals and now alot of people are taking care of thier parents.. Well shit woman we cant do that if we are not healthy ourselves and they cant do it themselves thats why its our damn JOB !!! Now this may sound mean but I want you to look at your family --- is your husband carrying a gut ? are your kids a bit chubby or down right fat? are they sick more than we like ?? Is your DOG a bit heavy ??? Well who's takin care of them ??? hmmmmm
OK i may regret writing that and please dont slam me with hate mail just take a look at the big picture ... ANd before you ask.. Yes my kids are thin and healthy and NEVER sick and my husband does have a tiny gut but that is cause he hords snacks in the garage LOL
Luv YA all I truly do ---- hugs to a healthier lifestyle !!!! We can do it !!!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
OK confession !!! I did NOT go to the gym today :( yea I know I suck !! But hey it was business and a little bit of screwing around on the computer ~~ Damn facebook !! But hey a good friend from back in nY found us and requested our friendship and I was sooo excited about that !! Its a couple who me and glenn just love so much -- they are a blast! But life gets in the way and you dont see them often and now that we're all the way over here in CA we'll never see them :(
Thank God for FACEBOOK :)
So this morning I was busy with my Juice Plus+ business.. I'm so excited to be putting in soo many orders these last couple days. Fruits/veggies in a capsule.. You cant go wrong -- hey I know I dont eat all my fruits and veggies , hell i havent had any yet today except for my juice plus capsules !! Thats pretty much why I went on them in the first place LOL
Check out my site if your interested :) WAY COOL...
So I have a busy day today --- I have new clients today at 1:00 and then my softballs girls at 3:00 and then finally the halloween party for our networking group.. I'm going as a YANKEE LOL they dont care for the yankees here :)
Ok I'm out !!!! MOVE your asses people your not getting any healthier sitting at the computer
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The Diary continues.....
Dear Diary
hahahahahaha yea thats what this feels like :) I forgot where I left off but yesterday after the devestation of taking measurements and pics I went to the gym and kicked ASS !!!! Worked legs and ended doing 10 miles on the bike... I love bike riding !! Today I took the dreaded Back picture **BLAH ! I cropped it to show the shit hanging over my bathing suit bottoms... I dont know where that came from ! At least the camera didnt break :) I have to say I love that bathing suit -- weird design and i'm not usually a "green" girl but it has a more sporty california look and hey since i'm here I want to fit in :) LOL I fit into it last year quite perfectly I must say so thats my plan to get into for next summer !! Soooo off to the gym very early this morning --well ok not that early it was 9:30 LOL but i went and did back, shoulders, and biceps.. SHAZAM !! my biceps were POPPIN !!! I ended with bikin 5 miles -- took 19 min.. granny ride -- tomorrow i will pick it up a bit !! I love workin all body parts except for legs !! aww poor legs why do people hate working them so much ? and why does it hurt sooo much afterwards I mean hell we carry our fat asses around on them everyday ??????????????
OK diary I'm heading out -- got to get my wrinkle cream in action and head off to sleep :) yea so ok its only 7:30 I have no life ok I go to bed early LOL :)
to be continued .........
Monday, October 26, 2009
Pics & Measurements * oh my**
OH GOD I want to hurl !!! So yea I took my pics and my measurements... I have to tell you I took front and side view and no fuckin lie when I went to take the rear view my camera broke LOL THATS got to tell you something... My face just dropped !! I was settin the timer, running thru the damn dogs to get to my spot before the camera went off and on the last final rear view pic NOTHING !! WHAT >??^%&&** eh screw it I'll do that next time right ? Turns out the battery went :) ~~ What a relief that would have thrown me into a bowl of ice cream for sure !!
So I gave up anyway so tomorrow I will take that rear view pic and weigh myself.. I already ate and I like to do it right on waking up :) hey works for me all right ?! So let me just say the pics I took are all ME -- no sucking in or standing up straight to lose that 5lbs :) -- I never walk around standing straight so I didnt want to do it in the pic -- sure it wouldve "looked" better but its not real and thats what this is all about !!! BLAH !!! barf **
OK on to measurements *** drum roll *****
waist ---- 32 inches
hips --- 38 in
thigh 6in above knee -- 17 in 12' above knee -- 21 1/2 ** hear Patti scream**
Shoulders ---- 40'
Chest (with bra) 34' * trust me I dont even want to measure without bra -- hell i dont even like to see me without bra !! Reason #1 why I dont like to be on top during sex -- honestly have you ever looked down at yourself while on top ** another scream ***
Biceps --- 12'
Ok whew i got it done -- thats out of the way and now I can just start fixing this !!
Now some people have said to me you look good.. well hey thanks but FOR ME i dont look good.. I have a vision of myself and it is FIT and MUSCULAR and HEALTHY and that is what I am aiming for .. My body fat -- which I will humiliate myself and ask someone to take at the gym today is HIGH ... always has been.. Even when I competed my body fat was high >>>>?? I'll eventually figure that out!
So my plan this morning was to get to the gym first thing but honestly the computer got the best of me !!! Damn this square box on my desk... Facebook gets me everytime -- 2 email accounts takes time :) I should downsize but hey I like my computer time.. Any way I have to go see about a new client this morning.. Woman wants me to train her and her niece at their house and I have to meet them at 11:00 and truthfully I didnt want to rush my workout :)
Thats it from me -- Make it real people !!!!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Keepin It REAL
Thats right my first mission is to KEEP IT REAL!! That means being honest to myself as I go through my fitness jouney. Sometimes I will sit back and say well gosh WHY arent I losing the weight? So n SO looks better than me! If I didnt work I would look like her too LOL Well TRUTH be told I dont lose the weight I want because I am a sugar fein !! I LOVE CANDY ! Give me some skittles and I will do anything for you :) no really I would HAHAHA Umm yea she looks better than you because her ass is in the gym ALL the time and she doesnt use the bullshit excuses I do :) example -- I have a new puppy and need to stay home with him :) thats a good one huh? Yea throwing that pup in the pen tomorrow !! AND the best one is I DONT WORK !! Well I do BUT not alot so my ass should be in the damn gym !!! SOMEBODY SLAP ME !!!
SO lets catch up shall we .... :) I'm 42, married and have 2 kids ( well 5 really but 2 came out of my womb) 19-26 AND I am a grandma *woohooooo I live in SOuthern California -- well I just got here in March and oh man is it flippen beautiful !!!!! For the last 20 yrs I worked in drycleaning -- I lost my job last November 08 ( we wont go there!) and I went through alot of sole searching you might say.. Last year I also trained for my first figure competition AND won 3rd HELL YEA !!! SO yea um Nov I won my comp and lost my job can you say high and low !!!
After that happened I did NOTHING !!! No working out -- I was honestly sooo burned out from training I didnt care if I EVER worked out again.. Then we decided to move ??? Mid life crises? I dont know ??? SO with all that life changing stuff I stopped taking care of myself !! Well ... my loving husband Glenn, as much as I would love to kill him, I like to say that so I will NEVER kill him because I put that out there so much LOL well anyways he said I'm getting fat or I'm fat somethin beautiful like that !! Hey you cant hate the man for being honest!! So I took a pic ... hmmmm.. yea umm not what I looked like year ago !! SHIT !! ALL that hard work for comp and I threw it ALL away !!! Asshole !! Hey but my "excuse" is my life changed dramatically :)
Soooooooo... career wise I have decided to solely dedicate my life to health and fitness !! Thats it i'm NOT doing anything else. So I opened up FantaC Fitness Personal Training in Riverside, CA. *whew* ( YES i'm a personal trainer LOL) I have been getting clients slowly but I know that it is gonna turn around soon.. My name will get out there !! My goal is to be the TOP training professional around. * clear throat cough cough* Better get my ass in friggen shape huh !!!! I know your gettin tired of reading I'm trying to wrap this up !!! I'm very good about doing what I need to do when people know I'm doing it -- when I was going to do the Comp I told everyone I knew so I wouldnt back out :) good plan huh??? It worked -- that and glenn said I would never do it !! DAMN HIM !!!
Soooo hahahahaha I came up with this blog :) Hey if I have people reading this everyday ( yea I expect a following lol ) then I have to TRANSFORM !!! SO thats it..........
PATTI'S TRANSFORMATION !!! It all starts NOW !! Well tomorrow :)
to be continued.....
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